2018 – 2021 Breeding and management practices of indigenous bovine breeds: Solutions towards a sustainable future
The BOVISOL project is funded through the ARIMNet2 [2017] Joint Call by the following funding agencies:HAO-DEMETER (Greece),IRESA (Tunisia) and MESRS (Algeria). ARIMNet2 (ERA-NET) has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 618127.
General aim
The preservation of local bovine breeds populations, by trying to find the best solutions that will improve the production systems in terms of productivity and sustainability.
Specific objectives
The analytical description of the existing farm and breeding practices
The analysis of the quality of the main local animal products.
The proposition of solutions that will promote the sustainability
The dissemination of the solutions on all the levels of the sector (farmers, scientists, local communities, governmental agencies).