Protection of Autochthonous populations of Pelagonia SHEep breed in the
cross-border area – PAPESHE”
This project is co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
Thessaloniki, 29/03/2021

Dear Colleague,
Assoc. Professor Alexandros Theodoridis, the project Manager, would like to invite you to the Final Conference of project “Protection of Autochthonous populations of PelagoniaSHEep breed in the cross-border area – PAPESHE”. The action is co-funded by the European Union under the First call for proposals of the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020”.
The Conference will be of interest to farmer and processor organisations, government and nongovernmental bodies and organizations with a role in the sheep sector. The aim is to discuss
implementation strategies for PAPESHE project outputs and to provide recommendations at regional scale of future needs to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of Pelagonia sheep breed.
Date: The Conference will be held on Monday 29/03/2021.
Location: Web platform ZOOM
Zoom link to attend the Conference:
Meeting ID: 915 8529 3057
For more information, please contact Mrs. Georgia Koutouzidou (