2018 – 2021 Breeding and management practices of indigenous bovine breeds: Solutions towards a sustainable future
The BOVISOL project is funded through the ARIMNet2 [2017] Joint Call by the following funding agencies:HAO-DEMETER (Greece),IRESA (Tunisia) and MESRS (Algeria). ARIMNet2 (ERA-NET) has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 618127.
WP1 - Management
Work Plan and reports
WP2 - Information gathering and sample collection
Task 2.1: Identification of the local breeds and populations
Task 2.2: Description of farm and breeding practices
Task 2.3: Sample collection
WP3 - Data - samples analysis and proposed solutions
Task 3.1: Collected samples laboratory analysis
Task 3.2: Statistical analysis
Task 3.3: Evaluation of production systems
WP4 - Dissemination
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